Area 57 Coffee Cafe Reviews
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Restaurant: Area 57 Coffee Cafe
Menu: Add your restaurant menu
Category: Cafes
Address: 125 Main Street
City: Wanamingo      State: MN Zip: 55983     Phone: (507)824-2969
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.. don't make it SO specific to a genre that peploe won't want to go because it's too trendy or too fratty or too hippyish or whatever . give stuff away . have drawings, or coupons that go out online or in publications.. (by the way, you need a website . make sure that the way peploe order things from your store is convenient! don't make them jump through hoops to get what they order. take ques from other successful restaurants do something CLEVER! there's a place called which which here, it's a franchise, so there may be some where you're at, i dont know. If you're un-familiar, There are paper bags on the wall that are in different boxes, labeled 1-8.. each number is a different TYPE of sandwhich.. you take a paper bag out of that box for what kind of sandwhich you want and you use a red sharpie to fill in what type of meat, cheese, veggies, juices or whatever you want on them, then you take it to the register . they put the bag on a long piece of wire with a clip, slide it down the way, then use the bag to make your order, then they shove the sandwhich in the bag and give it to you..At the Campus location, everyone draws on the back of their bags and hangs them on the walls! People enjoy it. it's an interesting concept that no one else does, and it adds to the atmosphere unline going to Mc Donalds Chipotle, they give you aluminum foil lots of places here let peploe make animals and things out of their foil, and they stick them on the walls . think of things to make it a FUN experience for peploe.. something a little out of the ordinary. ambiance is a huge part of it too peploe will come once they know about it.. another tip is not to UNDER feed peploe, but not to OVER feed them either if you give too little peploe complain if you give too much then you waste money on the last note . hire GOOD employees!!!!!!!!!!!!! having ANNOYING employees is a SURE way to get peploe to NOT come back . if one of your coffee makers is an asshole, you'll never get a repeat customer but at the same time, the uber happy annoying loud obnoxious in everyones business sorority girl that goes and checks tables once every 2 seconds sucks too ..also, don't do tip pooling it's unfair for someone who sucks to get just as much as someone who's excellent (if you have tables set up like a restaurant.. ) if you have a tip JAR though, obviously you have to split equally.. i wish you a lot of luck in your venture . 
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