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Restaurant: Quizno's
Menu: Add your restaurant menu
Category: Restaurants
Address: 1313 Grand Avenue Suite 1
City: Billings      State: MT Zip: 59102     Phone: (406)245-8565
Order Online:  
Website: www.quiznos.com
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I'm still trying to concinve my husband that our kids would thrive on homeschooling. Right now, he is pleased with our private school. Just as homeschoolers have nay sayers, so many people think that private school make the public schools look bad only because private school can custom pick who they take, or have more involved parents, or just cost to much. Long list of negativity.Our school costs less than most day cares, so anyone that could afford daycare can afford to go, we didn't do day care,but my friends have shared the cost of that with me. Daily bible, more people to role model living Christianity to my kids. etc i love our school, just wish we had more freedom to vacation in historical sites, and visit family vs being stuck with someone else calendar of when we are free and when we aren't.[] 
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