Cafe Espresso of Portsmouth Reviews
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Restaurant: Cafe Espresso of Portsmouth
Menu: Add your restaurant menu
Category: Restaurants
Address: 738 Islington Street
City: Portsmouth      State: NH Zip: 03801     Phone: (603)334-3407
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I picked this prcduot up at a local store for mid $20 s after getting sick of making my coffee with a stove top espresso machine. I couldn't see spending $100+ for something conceptually as simple as an espresso machine. I know someone who got a simple Krupps machine for about $40 years ago and it still works just great. But since I couldn't find anything else in the sub $40 range, I settled on this one. It makes a fine cup of coffee if you just want to use prepackaged coffee grinds or you use a basic coarse to medium grind. BUT, when I tried to use a very fine grained espresso grind on my beans, almost nothing came out. It seems that too fine a grind stops up the filter holes and the machine just doesn't have the oomph to force the water/steam through. Also, it does suffer from - a very difficult to turn knob (don't get this prcduot if you have arthritis) - a caraf lid that won't stay on let alone stay properly oriented So basically, it's good for making a medium to fairly strong cup of coffee (by my subjective measure), but if you really want something strong and sludgy, this machine won't do the trick unless you want to wait for an hour for it to eventually push enough liquid through. I guess now I understand why espresso machines aren't cheap. Years of using a really simple stovetop espresso maker led me to believe that they're really simple machines. But perhaps when you try to package it up as an appliance it isn't so straight forward. 
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