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Restaurant: M-Pact
Menu: Add your restaurant menu
Category: Restaurant Equipment and Services
Address: 5023 West 120th Avenue
City: Broomfield      State: CO Zip: 80020     Phone: (303)466-6100
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Mad Men is probably the ONE SHOW on teilsevion that is really worth watching! It has a literary quality, and a slower pace than most American teilsevion. It's about character and period, individuals and society at that time in our country's history. You might enjoy it. There is never an episode that doesn't touch on some universal human experience, usually very subtly.As for compromises we all have to make them, don't we? I guess it's a question of which ones, and how much, and why. And that's a matter of core values. Sometimes you think just this once, but you may never be able to undo that once. I wonder: do values change? I've seen them worsen in people, but do they change for the better? What do you think?I've also had jobs where I was asked to do things which were in direct conflict with my sense of right and wrong. I stuck to my guns. And frequently, that meant going elsewhere. 
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